wildfillysama: Travelling again

I left Cambridge yesterday evening and will be leaving the UK tomorrow morning… finally heading back to Australia! Should be back in time for Friday night’s post 🙂

My packing skills have been sorely tested. Too many books. Way too many books.

With any luck, no one will try to weigh my hand luggage. With any luck my hand luggage also won’t fall apart under so much pressure. Books have been stashed inside hand luggage in an attempt to disguise bags as totally within the weight limits. On the bright side, I will have no end of easy access reading on the plane.

Also, I watched all of Attack on Titan. I finally know what all the hype is about. So much eating of people. Their horses also have the strangest notions of physics. Should be a very easy series to cosplay if the urge ever strikes – I have a near endless supply of bay horses to borrow.

Short post only this week – apologies! I have to go track down an ATM now for my taxi-to-airport fare.

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