marsy: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby have been out for almost two weeks now, so it’s been enough time for me to play through quite a bit. Here are my thoughts.

Contests make me angry. My pokemon are the best and I will tolerate no disagreements. Had to sit my 3DS down for a while after yelling at another pokemon for using a beautiful move and getting that fifth star for the special move that was MINE!! I’m calm. So calm. Right. Anyway, contests mean berries. I’ve never really cared much about berries in previous games, but in this one I’m super into them. Got to harvest all the berries and make some pokeblocks. Soon all my pokemon will be perfect. I am maybe a bit too into the contests, but oh well.

As for the rest of the game, I always did enjoy the Hoenn region. Needs more water stones though. Really liking the pokemon search function thing (forgotten what it’s called. Something nav maybe?). Also love the fact that you can fly to places other than the towns – makes my obsessive berry gathering easier.

I must also confess that I am amazing at nicknaming pokemon. My team members have some truly majestic names. So beautiful.

marsy: Dragon Age Inquisition

So the new Dragon Age game came out about a week ago. It’s looking like it’s going to be a really long game, mostly because I’ve played for about 15 hours and achieved fuck all. That might just be me though. Important advice for new players – LEAVE THE HINTERLANDS! It’s not very clear at the start that you need to leave the area to progress in the story. There are heaps of little side quests you can do but it’s very easy to wander off somewhere that you are not levelled up enough for and have your whole party killed by a bear. Not cool.

I really like the idea of Dragon Age Keep – instead of importing  save files over from the previous games, you input your choices online and they are sent to your game that way. Makes sense considering this game is available on next generation consoles. Mine is on the Xbox 360 though because I am much to cheap to buy another new console this year. Not important. As I was saying, I like the idea of Dragon Age Keep but it doesn’t actually seem to work from what I’ve noticed. I’m quite certain that my Warden didn’t die and Anora is not ruling Ferelden. Not sure why it didn’t work for me, but it’s highly likely I just messed up somewhere.

Music in the game is nice, but it gets very broken up when loading things. Scenery is nice. Characters looks nice, but perhaps a little too shiny. Character customisation is very extensive, but the hairstyles still all suck.

I decided to play as a rogue elf. What I find fun is that my character is a Dalish elf, and the game goes on and on about how I’m supposed to be the “Herald of Andraste” (who’s kind of like Dragon Age Jesus, I guess) and it’s in character for me to be a little shit and tell everyone that I think their religion is rubbish. Fun times. I’m also going for my usual gaming style of hit on everyone possible. It’s working for me so far, although I looked it up and apparently there’s diversity in the sexuality of the romanceable characters. So I can’t actually get with everyone. Disappointing.

This is definitely a fun game so far – it has a very Skyrim feel to it, but with a bit more structure. I recommend Dragon Age Inquisition and not just because I have extreme love for the Dragon Age series.

marsy: Don’t punch your own ear

This week I learned that accidentally punching yourself in the ear a few days after getting a new piercing hurts. It hurts rather a lot actually. But hey, shiny new piercing! On a totally unrelated note, guess who has a swollen ear?

Aside from that I’ve been studying for exams, sitting exams, and playing Dragon Age. Did a run through the games to prepare myself for Inquisition, which I will probably review next week (assuming Pokemon doesn’t consume my life). I’ve run out of Dragon Age for tonight though, so I’m replaying Golden Sun (again). It’s good. Play it.

That’s all from me. marsy out.

Too much FPS, not enough PMP

Or: The Alpha Nerds review F.E.A.R. (PMP is peed my pants)

anit: Too slow a burn, maybe a little heavy handed with foreshadowing? Hilarious physics glitches.

marsy: 50 Shades of Beige. So beige that my hot pink tongue piercing broke.

windfyre: Was hoping for a game that would make sure I wouldn’t sleep. Totally brought those spare trousers for nothing.

wildfillysama: I got… nuthin. Beige was taken from me. Vents are still a bad idea.

lorekai: The graphics have aged well for a 2005 game. Ladders and doors are there to be used, not avoided. (THIS MEANS YOU, EBOLABOOZE)

EbolaBooze: I’ve played the game before, but still had to look up walkthroughs because I got lost. Ruined the immersion totally. My bad.

Have a good night, and stay away from the LSD water.


marsy: Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Demo review

Don’t read if you don’t want spoilers for the Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Demo, I guess. Not that there’s really all that much to be spoiled.

This morning I was delighted to see an email from Nintendo with a download code for the demo version of the new pokemon games. My excitement levels have built up again. The demo is pretty fun – you have 10 quest type things to play through, and you can repeat them if you want. The main bonus of the demo is that you get a Glalie with a mega stone to have in your game when you get it. Mega Glalie is genuinely quite terrifying. You also get things like pokeballs and healballs to transfer to the new games.

Graphics are pretty much the same as in X&Y. New sneaky walk function is pretty cute. Flying on Latios/Latias is cute too. Boy character is called Orlando, it would seem. Girl character unnamed as far as I’m aware. Not sure how the music sounds because my volume was down while I played.

Simply put, if you can get a copy of this demo then you should, because it’s fun. Good way to kill some time while on the bus. You’ll just have to wait for the games to be released otherwise. Just over a month left. That’s not too long, right?

Friday-Free-For-All: Childhood Games

This week sees six angry alpha nerds surrounded by Wii Motes and snack packets, listening to the sounds of marsy killing stuff in Hyrule Warriors. As a result, thoughts have turned to favourite video games, as well as sleep.


wildfillysama: My favourite old video games are torn between two candidates: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Spyro: Year of the Dragon. Skateboarding dragons are generally excellent. Running from the left hand side of the screen to the right is a winning strategy, though Metropolis ruins this. Stupid Metropolis.

EbolaBooze: I was one of the chosen few to start my gaming career as part of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race, so my first (and favourite) childhood games were StarCraft and Total Annihilation. Throwing battlegroups of hundreds of units into the meatgrinder as a distraction for a combined arms pincer manoeuvre was probably my favourite tactic.

lorekai: Picking a favourite old video game is a very difficult task, as there are so many to choose from, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is of course a strong contender, earning large numbers of sentimentality points for being my first game, as well as being awesome. The original Pokemon games do of course get a mention, but I think my favourite at least somewhat childhood game would be the Golden Sun and it’s sequel, as they were the games that genuinely got me interested in gaming.

anit the Flea: My most cherished childhood game is the one that I first picked up a controller for – Snowboard Kids! I always favoured Nancy and even now in any kind of racing game I will focus on superior manoeuverability. Pokemon doesn’t really count as a childhood game for me as I started playing in my tweens and I still do…

marsy: Can’t post. Playing Hyrule Warriors.

marsy: Great success

Today I achieved maximum coolness. I am now the proud owner of one of these beauties.












Doesn’t everyone want to have their own mega ring? It’s from Pokemon X & Y, for those who don’t know. For any who are interested, you can find these on amazon or ebay really easily. It’s definitely made for kids so it won’t fit most adult wrists (only just fits me). I now need to work on my dramatic poses.